Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Interview with

Here's an interview with

Local Philadelphia author Fredric Joss Shelley follows up his successful compilation A Boy Less Ordinary with the long-awaited new novel, The Alphabetical List of Would-Be Princes, which is already on the bestsellers list at Philly’s own Giovanni’s Room and online nationwide through Amazon. caught up with Freddy to ask him some questions about the new book:

So, tell us about the new novel. What is it about?
It’s about a character named Jack who happens to meet a series of people – or “would-be princes” – in alphabetical order. The book is told in 26 chapters, with each chapter dedicated to a different person. First, there’s Aaron, then Ben, and so on. I had a lot of fun creating ways that Jack meets each “prince,” so hopefully readers will find it pretty interesting as well.

What inspired you to write this particular book?
I wanted to create something that was a little different than what people have come to expect from me, but also keep it light and funny at the same time. I was interested in writing a gay romantic comedy, but I wanted to challenge myself to tell the story in a way that didn’t fall victim to some of the clichés I’ve read in other gay literature. The alphabetical theme was something that just popped up in my head along the way.

You’ve also done some theater work in Philly. How has that influenced your writing?
I’m completely different on a stage than I am in person. I’m more laid back and reserved in person, but when I’m “on,” I tend to do just about anything to go for the laughs. What I like best about what I’ve been able to do as a writer and an actor is that you can look at the body of work on the surface and see the humor right away, but if you dig a little deeper, you’ll always find another message just under the surface. Comedy is very challenging in that way. It takes a lot to be funny, but it takes a lot more to have something else going on, too.

When did you know you would be a writer?
I was always making up stories and plays as a kid. My elementary school teachers were really cool about letting me read whatever I wrote to the class. Most of the people I went to school with still Facebook me once in a while about all the funny stories I wrote back then.

Who are your influences?
I read a lot of children’s literature for inspiration. In children’s literature, there aren’t as many boundaries like there are in adult fiction. And, underneath all that imagery and fantasy, there’s always a hidden message about something so basic and true. I guess that’s a theme with me – I like to enjoy something on a surface level, and then I like going back to it to find the hidden messages.

What are you working on next?
Acting-wise, I’m always writing and acting with The Dumpsta Players when I can fit it in my schedule. I’m also working on a book called James and the Imaginary Boyfriend. It’s another gay romantic comedy that focuses on that one unlucky guy in a group of friends who never seems to have a boyfriend. Then, one day he does, and the book pretty much looks at different points of view – does he really have a boyfriend, or is he making it all up?

Freddy will be kicking off the launch of his new book, The Alphabetical List of Would-Be Princes, on Saturday, September 19, 2009 with a book signing at Giovanni’s Room, followed by an afterparty at Woody’s. Admission is free.